4 days ago, i still be there, but now i'm in my country back. tired is not a problem as long as it will give me wonderful feeling at the end of the day. Kerala will be still in my heart because it taught me about life and harmony. even it just a short journey, i learned a lot about people that i never thought i will meet before.
if people think about poverty when discuss about India, they should rethink about it again. maybe they should go and see about that by themselves. started from arrival hall of the airport, the early perception about people around started to float in my head. its hard to describe about the first impression be there. only wondering what will be happen tomorrow, tomorrow and...
friendly, honest and patient is some of the good attitudes that i like about people around. they willing to help when you got into trouble. but, not all district got people like this. other district may got their own culture and habit
first day in clinic, become observer only because still don't know about their working procedure and of course don't understand Malayalam language. only after doctor there convince about English also be use by pet owner, i feel very glad. got to do vaccination to some puppy by myself, some chance that never got before. maybe it just a small matter, but experience can help me better in future.
with different working hour and procedure, i'm very impress about doctor there. still don't know how they diagnose type of fracture just using palpation and diagnose many case like microfilariasis and fracture using ultrasound technique!!?? what a wonderfull experience..
with time that never stop ticking, we arrived at the end of the externship program. but we never forget what we have learned yesterday because yesterday may become a small experience for better tomorrow. thanks to all people that taught me about this life's experience.
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